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Showing posts from September, 2011

Magazines Rock!

Our second graders were just introduced to our entire selection of magazines. They were thrilled to have access to ALL of our magazines. Some favorites included Lego, Dog and Cat Fancy, American Girl, KidZone, Ranger Rick, SI for Kids, and of course American Girl. When asked what they loved about magazines our second graders had this to say... You don't have to start at the beginning and read all the way to the end, you can skip around by using the table of contents. You don't have to read every word and page. Some magazines have jokes, comics, and games. They don't take as long to read as a book. Some magazines tell you more than you know. They tell me about places around the world. I love magazines because they help you learn and get smart. They have real and fake information. (I am assuming nonfiction and fiction info) They can show you how to do things.

LC...The Home of Super Readers

Wow! I am so impressed with our readers! Over 300 Mark Twain nominees were read between our 4th and 5th grades over the summer. We already have several 4th and 5th grade readers who have read all 12 Mark Twain nominees and are starting on the LC Above and Beyond books for the year. Several 3rd graders have qualified to vote by reading at least 4 KC3 nominees. Keep up the GREAT reading LC readers!

Welcome Back Lewis and Clark Students!

We are officially off and running or should I say off and learning in the Lewis and Clark Library Media Center. Each grade level is using the library to its fullest. Kindergarten is learning how to work and learn in the library. For the last couple of weeks they each have been checking out books! First grade is enjoying Show Me nominees and learning how to locate what they want in the everybody section. Second grade students are also enjoying Show Me nominees and are learning a computer program new to our school called Pixie. Third grade is exploring this essential question.. How do I find what I want/need in our library? Fourth grade is working through this essential question...How do you know that a book is one you love? Their interests and choice of genre is driving this instruction. The essential question for fifth grade is...How do you define yourself as a reader? We are examining what we know about ourselves as readers and using that information to learn a couple of programs...