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Showing posts with the label Fourth Grade

Book Trailers

Last year, I started most library sessions with a book talk, book trailer, book chat, or series highlight as a way to share the love of reading and recommend good books to our readers at LC.  I was thrilled with the enthusiasm around reading as a result of sharing books with one another. While we viewed some really quality book trailers, I realized I wanted to give my kids a chance to show their creativity and their love of books by producing their very own movie trailers to share with our school community through various avenues. So, over the summer I set about making plans for the beginning of the year.  As usual, I jumped in with both feet and fell in over my head:) but that is how I roll and get things done!  At Lewis and Clark there are 200 kids creating videos!  Some decided to work alone and others in small groups. To begin, we viewed A LOT of trailers and wrote down our noticings, good and bad!  From there we selected books and began creating a plan and a storyboard to gu

Mark Twain Afternoon

So, as a celebration of reading, the Missouri Mark Twain nominee readers were going to be attending the movie Wonder based on the book by the same title.  Unfortunately, the movie release date was moved from April to November so our plan fell flat.  To replace that event, Mrs. Haynes and I put our heads together to create an afternoon of book love!  Our 4th and 5th grade teachers made arrangements to allow those kids to spend the entire afternoon in the library and Dr. Palmer ok'd a sub for my classes.  We started at 11:45 with lunch for 42 dogs, nacho chips, apples, grapes, and drinks.  We then made duct tape bookmarks, enjoyed a quiz bowl of Mark Twain nominee questions, had a book tasting session of 2017-2018 Mark Twain and Truman nominees, and engaged in great character analysis session created by Mrs. Haynes.  This involved answering questions about last year or the upcoming Mark Twain nominees such as, what character made you think differently or what character w

Bloxel Feedback

My fourth graders have spent several weeks working on our Bloxel video game development.  It was time to let others play our game and give us valuable feedback on improving our games. The feedback sheet had a column for strengths, a place to share improvements desired, and a reflection on if the game was too hard, too easy or just right.  Taking the time to do this in my very limited time with kids was so valuable to them in the final steps to developing their game for public play.  Since this was the first time using Bloxels for me and my students, I let them design a game of choice.  I am already thinking ahead to next year and what changes need to be made based on my experiences as the teacher and the upcoming final reflection from the students.

Bloxel Love!

This is our first year using Bloxels.  We acquired 15 sets through a LSDF grant that involves sharing materials between 3 elementary buildings.  I LOVE what Bloxels have done for my kiddos.  We have worked through our design thinking framework and the thinking is so evident!  I have had to learn right along with and beside the kids.  My kids are planning, problem-solving the basics necessary to create a game (saving, building, failing, fixing), helping one another, watching tutorials to learn, consulting kids who have mastered the game,  learning more at home, redesigning where necessary and having fun in the process!  What a great way to end the school year. Watching a tutorial for the second time. Mastering the Bloxel app. Collaboration! Teamwork! Watched tutorials, consulted the pamphlets, plan in front of her, and now ready to begin learning more at home, redesigning where necessary and having fun in the process!  What a great way to end the school year.

Celebrating Books

  Our annual hot cocoa party was a great success.  HUGE thanks to Mrs. Haynes for keeping our cocoa bar running smoothly all afternoon for our readers.

Friday Morning Fourth Grade MakerKid's Club

[Stations-Choice-Play-Creativity-Friends-Freedom-Make] Finger Knitting Model Magic Creations Watercolor Bookmarks Open MakerSpace Cubelets Ozobots

Catapult Launch Day

This is always an exciting day!  After spending several weeks researching, planning, building, testing, failing, rebuilding, and testing again, we were ready to launch.  Each team or individual gets one practice launch and two official launches. Our launches varied from a few inches to 18 feet.  Following the launch we always embark on reflection and learning from the process.

Just Keep Reading!

Our 4th and 5th graders are reading up a storm!  These cards represent the kiddos who have read 4 or more Mark Twain Nominees and are already eligible to vote for their favorite title in February.  Many have already read all 12 nominees and are working on the Lewis & Clark Above and Beyond list.  I am so thankful for our teachers who, during their very busy days, encourage and challenge their students to read great books.   Mrs. Haynes tracks all this reading like a boss!

Fourth Grade Makers: Catapults

For the past couple of years, my 4th graders have started the year with a catapult inquiry project. Each time we work through this unit, I learn something new to improve my students learning.  This year we focused more on planning our ideas and building prototypes (they really just want to go in the MakerSpace and begin making) but we really talked about the benefit of planning.  Using the Launch Cycle Design Model, we are working through the steps to help us build a successful catapult.   We looked at the plans for our newest school addition to reinforce why the planning process is so important and the details that are required for a successful project. The planning and design process was taken very seriously!         Working in the MakerSpace during the planning process to see what materials are available for their builds.   A prototype and the plan! This year I am being a stickler about requiring the kids to build from their plan and not ve