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Showing posts from January, 2015

Grade 3 MakerKids

Grade 3 makers started their Monday morning early with a new session of MakerKid's Club.  We started with a challenge and we ended with... We will pick up here next Monday and reflect on the process, design, decisions, failures, teamwork, and results.

Genius Hour+MakerSpace=Passionate Learners

Our Week Students setting goals, tracking their learning, and reflecting on their progress.  We are driven, passionate, collaborative learners.  I can't ask for anything more!   Costumes and props for a play:   This group is collaborating to write a script, determine casting, and they will soon be learning how to shoot a quality video and edit their work.  They will need to schedule time in our new production room as it is ALWAYS in use! Crochet: This student is   starting small and working up to a bigger project.  Many of our students who are working on "yarn arts" are helping one another, consulting how-to books, and viewing videos to learn the stitches.  Tinkering:   Whew!  This one is keeping me busy trying to figure out how to best manage this particular passion.  Next year, I will definitely be modifying how tinkering will run in the MakerSpace. Squishy Circuits:   Squishy circuits have prov...

Twenty-two Cents by Paula Yoo

Have you ever wanted the world to not have any people in poverty? Well, ever since Mahammad Yunus was little he loved helping people. As he got older he decided to teach Finance and Economics and that allowed him to work towards helping others. When he was teaching he noticed there were other people suffering out there. Read on to find out what Muhammad did to help others.                                                Reviewed by Grace

Amazing Start To The Second Half Of Our Year

                                      Our Week: thinking, learning, problem solving, collaborating, building, tinkering, designing, planning, and LOVING our larger MakerSpace!                                      

Double Fudge by Judy Blume

Do you know what it is like to have an annoying brother? Well Peter knows how it feels! He not only knows his annoying brother, he meets his cousin who also is annoying and has the same name as Peter's younger brother, Farley Drexel Hatcher also known as Fudge. If you like humor and want to have double fun than read Double Fudge by Judy Blume. Reviewed by Zoe

MakerSpace On The Move!

When I first realized that a MakerSpace was needed in my library, I jumped right in reading, visiting, and learning.  Our space has been an integral part of my library curriculum for the last few months.   Because of some forward thinking staff members and administrators, the MakerSpace is already on the MOVE!  After some rearranging, the maker materials are moving to a bigger space (about twice the size) and still in the library.  It is such a great space because it has a built in ledge that will work perfectly for the new sewing machines and supplies that are coming from a Donors Choose Project...THANK YOU to those who donated!  The ledge will also make a great tinkering space for my kids who are learning how things work! Today my family and I went in and did a quick move of all the MakerSpace materials.  I am really excited for our kids to see it on Tuesday.  Many were not aware of the change.    Below are a few before and aft...