This year, Mrs. Haynes and I started a Blazer Builders Jr. First Lego League with a small group of third grade builders. We were excited to start this new challenge. We started the session after the holiday break and just finished up this afternoon. We had weekly plans set, a timeline, and an event we were going to attend with our project. In the end, it didn't work out quite as we had planned. When I look back at my blog it looks as if everything always works perfectly the first time in our not the case. I have had a hard time with the league not going as planned. But when I really think about it, I need to live by what I tell my kids each day..."If you haven't failed, you haven't tried! Things are not always going to work the first time, you may need to try again. Every problem has a solution, it just may not be the one you planned on." Where did it go wrong? Well, it took us way too long to select our topic and s...
-A place to make, create, innovate, read, inquire, invent & question