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Showing posts from August, 2017

Bring On The 2017-2018 School Year!

So, I am beginning my 30th year of teaching!  I simply can't fathom that I have been teaching for that long or that I still love it as much as I did the very first year.  I love that each year is a fresh new beginning.  Here are a few pics showing what is new in the LC library this year... Our theme for our Missouri reading award programs is Reading is My SuperPower!  Love these sunglasses that add a bit of pizzazz to our pictures. We added several new titles to our collection of book sets for our Build A Book Club section. After reading a GKCRead or Mark Twain Nominee, our readers have the opportunity to rate the books in order to help others decide if they should read it.   Our annual survey stated that LC students wanted more comfy seating.  Picked up these guys from IKEA.  The kiddos were pretty thrilled to see them. Found this table on the side of the road.  Picked it up, primed it, painted it black, ...