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Calling All Third Graders!

Hey, LC third graders...
What books do you think other 3rd graders should read? (try not to include KC3 titles) Share the title and give a short summary of the book! Be sure to check back here for great book recommendations from your friends.


maddy said…
I think everyone should read Deep and Dark and Dangerous.It is a great book and it is a ghost story.
Ingrid said…
I recommend the book Granny Torelli
makes Soup it's about Rosy and her friend Bailey and their fights and
adventures read this book you'll love it just like i did.
claire said…
HI! my name is claire

I think all 3rd graders shood read
It is about a girl that lied and
promised not to lie agin. But when she tells alittle to much she gets ignored.
Olivia said…
I think evryone should read
the 39 Clues a real
aashree said…
I think you shoud read Nancy Drew books because Nancy Drew has an adventure in every book.
Anonymous said…
I love the riot brothers!
they have real hilarious missions!
Tyler said…
I think that third graders should read Shelter Dogs. It is about eight dogs. In the book you'll see how? why? and where? did they go to the shealter
Sierra said…
I think Franny K. Stein books are my favorite. It's about a girl who is a mad scientist with all weird creatures and other cool stuff. So you better go drow to the libary to get it.
Josi said…
I think all LC third graders should read Bunnicula. It's a great lititure book. There's a whole series if you like the first one. Found at the LC library.

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