When our LC readers come back to school in August, they will notice a significant change in the Fiction section...Mrs. Haynes and I worked the first two days of summer break organizing it by genre! We had been thinking about doing this for a while based on our students' library surveys, student feedback, and articles I had read. We had already talked and planned out the genres we would use. As we worked, we talked about signage, how to label our books so our library volunteers could continue to shelve, and book placement on the shelves for natural stops and starts for each genre.
It was quite a job and did not go as we had planned. When we started this endeavor, we had planned to just start with 1 or 2 genres and see how it would work for kids next fall. We soon realized that would not be the best use of our time and efforts.
So, we labeled our tables for sorting and went for it. We soon realized that this was also the perfect time to weed. Because of our weeding, we were able to leave almost all of the bottom shelves empty. Those shelves will be used to display books. When the books were all shelved, it was also very easy to see what genres I need to focus on for book selection.
Mrs. Haynes and I are sure that our kids are going to love selecting books from this new and improved section!