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Kicking Genius Hour Into High Gear

We are well into our Genius Hour projects.  We have developed plans, recorded our wonderings, avoided plagiarism by creating a works cited page & taking notes in our own words, and are now busy immersing ourselves in passions. The absolute best part of teaching is seeing kids so passionate about what they are learning that they can't wait to get started learning more about what interests THEM.  

We have a wide variety of topics being studied right now...tinkering, sewing, robotics, time lapse, origami, morse code, skinks, effective public speaking, designing items to help disabled animals, Lego WeDo and Mindstorm, developing a business plan and even light shows.

Some Action Shots...
Checking out their latest shot.

Ollie ramp construction

Cubelets and Legos

Creating characters for a game

Developing a prototype to help a disabled animal walk

Learning some sewing basics

Typewriter Tinkering

Step-by-step to sewing a bookmark

If you have not tried teaching with the Genius Hour concept, I highly recommend it.  You will be amazed at how the kids take charge of their learning.  Check out this LiveBinder curated by Joy Kirr to help you get started...


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