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Showing posts from July, 2016

The Lewis & Clark MakerSpace

 Tour our MakerSpace and Production Studio.  I truly hope it is helpful to you.  Please contact me if you have any questions!  

Day 2: Summer MakerKid's Camp

Today we started out with a building challenge where the kids could select their choice of materials. This is helpful to have going as the kids arrive at different times.    We then spent the next hour and a half working with a few different robots...we all loved Cubelets and our new BlueBots!  Sphero and Ollie were great fun also.  Mrs. Haynes and I have loved working with a smaller group of kids than usual.  We are noticing how differently kids approach the very same challenge and how they go about their work! Following those different stations, we all paired up and worked with Dash and all of the different attachments.  We were telling stories, launching catapults, writing songs with the Xylo app, and using legos to create cute Dash characters.   To end the day, we spent time on the kids' personal projects.  Time flies even though we have 3 hours.  We don't even stop to take any breaks!  Tomorrow we will be designing and ...

Summer MakerKid's Camp

Today was the first session of a summer camp that Mrs. Haynes and I are running for Lewis & Clark Makers!  Each day this week from 9:00am-Noon kiddos in grades 2-5 are participating in a wide variety of experiences encouraging iteration, perseverance, thinking, creating, problem-solving and so many more life skills. We charged $125.00 for the week of camp and ALL funds will go right back into the MakerSpace via supplies and new materials. Our focus today was Lego Mania.  Kids worked with Lego WeDo and Lego Mindstorm (an 8 year old stated that the age requirement on Lego Mindstorm is wrong because you are supposed to be 10 to use them...he was currently on step 51 of 106 steps), Lego Movie Maker, Lego art, and wind powered Lego contraptions.  We are also building in time each day to work on a personal choice project.   Tomorrow's theme is Rockin' Robots.  We will be coding, problem-solving, and creating with our various robots...Dot, Dash, Sphero, Cu...