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Day 2: Summer MakerKid's Camp

Today we started out with a building challenge where the kids could select their choice of materials. This is helpful to have going as the kids arrive at different times.  

 We then spent the next hour and a half working with a few different robots...we all loved Cubelets and our new BlueBots!  Sphero and Ollie were great fun also.  Mrs. Haynes and I have loved working with a smaller group of kids than usual.  We are noticing how differently kids approach the very same challenge and how they go about their work!

Following those different stations, we all paired up and worked with Dash and all of the different attachments.  We were telling stories, launching catapults, writing songs with the Xylo app, and using legos to create cute Dash characters.  

To end the day, we spent time on the kids' personal projects.  Time flies even though we have 3 hours.  We don't even stop to take any breaks!  Tomorrow we will be designing and making furniture out of recycled materials.

Here are some photos of our morning...
Programming BlueBot

Testing our program

Cubelets success

Sphero work

Extending the course and adding to the program

Building Cubelet many options

Some obstacle courses look different than others!

Learning about Dash and his launcher

Dash as a rabbit.  The girls developed a story about their rabbit-he was eating books


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