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A Week of Play

Years ago, I showed the video, Caine's Arcade to introduce my students to learning through the Genius Hour philosophy.  The inspiration from that video encouraged my students to make cardboard games as well. We have been designing and making games every year since.  Each year we learn from past mistakes and improve the process and the final products.  Plus we now have a dynamic MakerSpace!

My third graders have finished working through the design process and we are ready to share our games with the entire school.  E-V-E-R-Y student will have time throughout the week to play the games.  This week is obviously a favorite of my students.  Our third graders are so proud to share their games as they put their hearts into making the very best game possible.

Most important are the skills that the kids practice along the entire process.  So many...
  • planning and designing
  • compromise when working in a group
  • submitting ideas with kindness and respect
  • working together with a variety of personalities
  • fixing what doesn't work/problem-solving
  • thinking through and writing directions 
  • working on a deadline
  • putting first things first
  • accepting other's ideas and suggestions
  • knowing when a project is complete
  • time management
  • working in short time segments
  • sharing the workload
  • cleaning up after yourself and others
Below are some photos of this year's games.  I hope you can see the imagination and planning that went into each game.


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