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NEKLS School Librarian Conference

I was very fortunate to be asked to present at the NEKLS [Northeast Kansas Library System] annual school librarian conference in Lawrence, Kansas.  My presentation was centered around Integrating MakerSpaces into School Libraries.  I am really glad that I attended the entire day as I learned a lot as well.  In the morning there was a great presentation about teaching students to recognize fake news and a really good session on new books for elementary library collections.  Following a really tasty lunch, there was a crowd sourced book talk for secondary library collections.  I then shared my info about MakerSpaces and the day ended with a public librarian sharing her MakerKits that rotate from library to library.  It was probably one of the most organized and informative one-day workshops that I have ever attended.  Anna Foote was in charge of the event and she did an amazing job!

Part of my presentation was a bit of hands-on learning.  We made "tricked out" bookmarks using led lights, button batteries, and conductive copper tape.  I had supplies for catapults but we just didn't have time for that.  

I love sharing my MakerSpace experiences with others.  I believe so much in learning through making that I want everyone to have the opportunity to teach with the maker mindset.  

Each week I have at least 2-3 emails from other librarians asking questions about MakerSpaces and library programming and I answer each and every one of them.  Please email me if you have any questions at  

Also, this Smore I created about MakerSpaces has had almost 22,000 views.  Hopefully it will help you as well.


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