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Landmark Game Results

Wow! Lewis and Clark did a fantastic job researching landmarks this year. We tied for fourth place among 31 other teams! We correctly answered 19 of the 31 landmarks. The first place teams correctly answered 22 landmarks so we were close behind. 4th and 5th graders who participated, please blog about the research skills you learned as a result of the Landmark Game.


Anonymous said…
I learned that you have to be careful when researching because something could turn out entirely different then what you think it is.
Anonymous said…
One thing i learned is how to power search.One more thing i like obout it is you got to learn new plases.
Anonymous said…
The landmark game was really fun to do even though we didn't win we got in a tie for fourth place!!!
Cailey said…
I thought the Landmark Game was awesome and we really shoukld do it in 6th grade.
Anonymous said…
The landmark game was so fun and exciting. I might have solved another if we knew what one of the landmarks was(Yankee Stadium.)
logan said…
I think when we did the land mark game we worket hard together and it was a very hard thing to do but i know that i learned alot of stuff

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