Fourth graders at Lewis and Clark Spend Minutes In Literary Enjoyment! Each month a different genre focus helps us learn literary techniques or a writing craft. The month of March finds my fourth graders immersing themselves in magazines to work on writing a quality summary. Students often find one magazine they love and check out the same magazine title over and over. One of our goals with this genre is to expose the kids to new magazines they have never even looked at such as Dig, Ask, KidZone, New Moon, Click, Cousteau Kids and so many others. It was amazing to watch them delve into the magazines and find out what they have been missing. When we talked about magazines in depth, they realized they found magazines where students can publish their own stories, poetry, and pictures. They also realized that some magazines are all about one topic while others have a variety of topics. They really seemed to be drawn to those magazines that stay on topic. The summary writing came very easy to most students. In the past we have written book reviews and created a podcast with some of them and they realized that reviews and summaries have basically the same purpose.