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Fifth Grade Boot Camp 2009

Each year fifth graders at LC attend "Boot Camp" in the library for intense training on how to access information in our library.
We exercise our minds and bodies!


Anonymous said…
Boot Camp was so much fun!! I love it!
Anonymous said…
Why did you have to do this??
Anonymous said…
I loved boot camp! But why did we have to do sits ups? :P
Anonymous said…
Boot camp...... UGGGGGG! NOT THE BEST!
Anonymous said…
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUG! Its fun but not the best!
Sami said…
Even though everyone hated the workout and stuff I loved it. I really learned a lot; and had fun!!! :)
Abbie said…
Boot camp was soooooooooo fun but sometimes it was hard!!! I loved it!!
Anonymous said…
boot camp was fun!

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