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Yeah! Tomorrow is almost here!

Tomorrow marks the first day of the 2009-2010 Page Turners Book Club. This club is open to all third, fourth, and fifth grade students at Lewis and Clark who cherish books. Permission slips were due last Friday so I could get an idea of how many kids will be attending. If you want to be a part of the Page Turners book club stop in and join us tomorrow (Sept. 23rd) or any other Wednesday we are in school. Page Turner mornings are my very favorite mornings of the week! I love to see kids reading, sharing, and listening to books. Ms. Oyler and Mrs. Brown will be reading with us this year and we can't wait to see you all in the morning ready and willing to read together!
This year we will recommend books, blog about books, tackle some library projects, and students can even be Master Book Reviewers.


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