Kindergarten building challenges, marble mazes, Rube Goldberg Machines, Coding workshop, researching, MakerKid's Club, reader reviewers, genre experts, Lego WeDo, train your robot...all that and more has happened in our library in the last few weeks. Every grade level is busy making and thinking and researching and problem-solving and learning from failure and collaborating and reflecting and having fun while learning!
Discussing plans and ideas before getting started...Smart! |
1st graders finally getting to play
with the marble mazes
they have been working on.
Lego WeDo...another experience in our 2nd grade robotics unit. |
First time working with Lego WeDo... completely focused. |
Reading with an adult volunteer. |
Teamwork to create a fabulous Rube Goldberg Machine. |
Researching with a split screen. Working smart! |
5th graders working independently on a video in our production room to promote Red Ribbon Week. |
How to train your robot...writing lines of code to direct a robot through an obstacle course. |
5th grade MakerKids getting started in TinkerCad. |
Couple of 5th grade MakerKids working with littleBits. |
Cubelets are so fascinating. |
I attended a class. |
Oh, that's right, we were also cheering on our Kansas City Royals in the World Series! |