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Thank you Liberty School District Foundation

I found out this week that a Learning Enrichment Grant that I wrote was funded by the LSDF!  My students and I are both so thrilled. My second graders have been waiting to see if we would get this grant because they want more Dot and Dash robots so they can work in smaller groups during our robotics unit.  I had one set of Dot and Dash last year and gained two more sets this year with a Lewis and Clark PTA grant.  We will now be able to add 2 more sets of Dot and Dash with the LSDF grant and 1 more set with the money I received for the SLJ Build Something Bold 1st runner up award.

I LOVE that Dot and Dash can be used with my youngest and my oldest students.  They are robots that will teach my kids visual programming apps and so many opportunities to think creatively.  The learning is truly endless!

You may notice OLLIE sitting there by this kiddo's leg.
Someone else "drove" OLLIE into the room
and the kids don't even seem to notice!


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