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Third Grade MakerKid's Club

What a great way to end a busy week...another MakerKid's Club!  This month's club is for our 3rd graders.  We had a fabulous turnout of kids and everyone found something they wanted to do.  Kids had many options which included littleBits, OSMO, creating bookmarks, Lego WeDo, Lego bricks, Lego wheels and ramps, Dot and Dash, Sphero Robotic Balls, Yarn Bombing, Cubelets, K'Nex, or simply using MakerSpace materials to create.  

I am so thankful I have Mrs. Haynes to work with...she is truly amazing!  She had to be gone Friday morning but was sure to be at MakerKid's Club to help our kids out, especially explaining how littleBits work.

Looking forward to our next 3rd grade session on Friday, January 29th-same time, same place!


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