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Yes, We Read!

Bringing a MakerSpace to our library has definitely changed the way we learn in our library.  But we continually strive for a balance of making, thinking, and reading.  

Yes, we read!  We read visiting author books, we read books to help us as makers, we read holiday/seasonal books.  We read for information and we read for pleasure.

Page Turner Book Club members read every Wednesday morning.

Book clubs read with Mrs. Haynes at lunch and at the end of the day.

Our school PTA gives books to kids on their birthdays.

Our library has a Little Free Library where kids can take a book anytime they wish (even if they don't bring a book to swap).

We have classroom checkout times scheduled and we have open access checkout so kids can come to the library every day if they wish...and some do.

I read the Building Block and Show Me Nominees aloud to K, 1st, and 2nd grade.  I read one GKCRead nominee to get our 3rd graders started on their award books, I introduce our Mark Twain nominees and we celebrate reading milestones throughout the school year to help our kids meet their reading goals.  Mrs. Haynes tracks the kid's reading so they know where they are in their goals.  

We recently celebrated our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade readers with a hot chocolate break during the day.  Below are a few pics from the day. Each reader is given a ticket and can come down sometime during the day at a time that works for their classroom teacher and hang out and drink cocoa in the library.  I come in early and get the water heated and the table set up and Mrs. Haynes helps serve the kids as they come in since I am usually teaching when they come.  Again, couldn't do it without Mrs. Haynes!

Outstanding gals and great readers!

Great kids and readers!

Sweetest girls, all smiles!

Boys hanging out together!


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